This is Where I Talk About Myself...
Heads up, there's a lot of words below. If you're too busy, here's the "TLDR":
I'm Tony, a Google Ads veteran, with over a decade of marketing experience. I'm here for those who aren't ready for a full marketing agency but still need focused, expert-level Google Ads support.
I've been at multiple marketing agencies over the past ten years.
In fact, I help run a paid search team at the agency I'm at now.
Yep, I'm currently full-time at an agency, on a team that I love.
Marketing agencies can be great. At ours, we have teams who each do their thing very well. Clearly defined swim lanes.
I don't do things like Paid Social, Email and Programmatic, for example.
But I have co-workers who are fantastic at those things.
A benefit of working with an agency is that you typically have multiple people, from each of these teams, collaborating together to achieve your goals.
But you're going to pay for that.
And you should.
When it's time to do so.
(Think you might be ready for a full team and multiple marketing channels? Let me know, because you might be a good fit for the agency I'm full-time at. I can start an intro.)
A good thing about being at marketing agencies for this long is that I've been able to work with so many different people in a wide array of businesses and brands.
Large and small, different requirements, but all with the same end goal of growing their business through efficient marketing.
At this point, I've helped countless people fix the same problems you're facing with paid search right now.
I know the whole "do something for 10,000 hours to become an expert" thing is sort of ridiculous. But I have put 10,000+ hours into Marketing and Google Ads.
Just saying.
I haven't been using AI or building plugins for anywhere near as long as I've been managing Google ads campaigns.
But I've had a good pulse on AI over the past two years and have begun working it into some of my processes.
As it progresses, we're finally starting to see real-world, beneficial use-cases for it.
One of the biggest areas of AI opportunity for me personally is filling my coding knowledge gaps.
I've dabbled with coding (mostly Javascript and some Python) for many years but generally just surface level stuff.
Since coding isn't completely foreign to me, I know the right prompts to give AI so that it returns useful responses.
So it can fill in those gaps, debugging and checking code, helping to put it all together into fully functional Apps and Plugins.
I'm looking for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to get in early on AI.
Let's collaborate and figure out where it makes sense to incorporate AI into your own processes.
So Let's Talk
What problems are you facing?
Let's find the right solution